Sunday, April 1, 2007


Let me first say that my initial intention for this blog was nothing more than to vent my inner thoughts on the occurances within my small town. It was not meant as an expose' or for the purpose of stirring up trouble as some blogs are wont to do, which incidentally is fine with me. I simply comment on things I perceive in order to formulate my own thoughts. With that said, I will expound on another occurance which raised interest for me solely from the psychological and sociological perspective.

Apparently the ever-so-righteous "Positive Morris" is under the impression that he is under attack by what he perceives as "satan disciples". I had received a number of messages to the effect that one or more particular blogs had been posted Thursday night and then deleted the following day. Now, if it were only one individual claiming this, I would have let it go, but there were quite a few and I didn't want the comments to become redundant. The words stated in one of the deleted blogs were as follows:

"The Silver Tongue Speaks Against Christians
Xo and other Satan disciples attack me, Positive Morris.

Typical of the other blogs and the most recently established xo blog.
Morris and this Country is under attack my atheist, war mongering, death loving, and specifically idol worshipping liars.
Unite and get Rid of this Establishment. I have personally experienced within my family, businesses like this, in which they try to change the culture and thought process of our youth.
Let me be the one to say " X it out of town!"
To my atheist foes:
Christ Has Risen!
Easter is upon us,
God Bless you!"

It seems that "Positive" Morris views anyone who disagrees with or questions his particular Christian positivistic bent as being not only a cohort with Satan, but an "atheist, a war monger, a death lover and an idol-worshipping liar". I ran Positive Morris' deleted blog post by a friend of mine who studied psychology in college and asked her opinion of this statement. Her answer was, "Sounds like paranoia stemming from some sort of personality disorder that encompasses megalomania and delusionalism where there's a devil hiding behind every corner. Have you been talking to Pat Robertson?"

From what I gather, he seems to think that the owner of a recently opened store in Morris is pushing some sort of satanic "agenda" (deja vu aka the "pastor" and his Walmart rampage). There's been a lot of buzz about it in recent weeks, mostly because of articles posted in the local paper, which I view only online, since I don't subscribe to the paper. I had visited the store's website out of curiosity and found a link called "News: False Bloggers". The page outlines the correspondence of various letters written to the Voice of The People and a number of negative blog comments to the articles which were obviously written by one individual. The owner made attempts to defend her position in light of these attacks in order to protect her reputation and business.

The accusations of Positive Morris, that "they are trying to change the culture and thought process of youth" is for the most part a non sequitur. In case Positive Morris hasn't realized this yet, the culture has already changed as has the thought process of modern youth, not to mention modern society. This store is simply providing them what they previously lacked here and ventured to Joliet for. But again, try to state that to an individual who resides in a proverbial glass bubble, as per my first blog; it falls on deaf ears.

I received a message from the owner of the store who stated that she was appalled when she read Positive Morris's blog subject. She had replied with the following:

"??? Huh? What the heck are you talking about? I don't read this blog for a week and a half and all of a sudden I log on and my store's name is on this post as well as the previous, being accused of all sorts of things? LOL If you remember PM, I actually gave you kudos you when you first started this. Btw, I AM a Christian and if you don't believe me go ahead and test me. Wait..never mind, I'll tell you myself. Jesus is God incarnate, He died and rose on the 3rd day to save man from sin, He sits at the right hand of the Father, yea I believe in the trinity, yea I believe in salvation by grace thru faith alone as per Ephesians 2:8,9. If you'd like to test me in other areas of doctrine or if there's anything else you'd like to say to me, you know where I am. You can come and talk to me face to face and that goes for ANYONE else. Funny though...noone's approached me in person and in regards to any other accusations, I always post my name or initials"

This particular comment was censored by PM. One can only guess as to why. It's apparent this woman, at least by all traditional Christian doctrine standards that I am aware of, would be deemed a Christian and yet she is accused of being in cohorts with satan simply because her cultural viewpoint doesn't conform with that of PM's. Positive Morris had been offered an open opportunity to discuss his concerns with the owner, yet what does he choose to do under the guise of his religiosity as well as anonymity? Go on the attack in what I would deem a deceptive manner.

My question is this: If one does not claim to follow the teachings of the bible which clearly states that it is wrong to lie and deceive, ("satan" being the father of lies and deception according to the bible from what I remember), then is it hypocrisy when that individual chooses to deceive since he holds to no external defining moral basis from which to base his actions? On the other hand, if one DOES claim to follow the teachings of the bible holding to a defining moral plumbline and then makes a conscious, willful decision to deceive, does that individual not go against the grain of what he holds to be morally correct thereby consituting himself a hypocrite?

It has been my own experience that when one continually and willfully acts against the moral standard of his conscience of what he holds to be morally correct and true, a war of conscience will ensue resulting in guilt. I envision guilt as somewhat of it's own entity, almost a physical blob-like substance like a cancer. Because the "guilt", like a physical illness has to go somewhere, I believe it is either internalized or externalized. When internalized it may result in depression, blame, anger, and hatred toward oneself. When externalized, it may result in blame, anger and hatred toward others. Personally, I believe the christian concept of confession may be an antecdote for this problem. Without getting too graphic, let's just say its akin to what occurs after one has over imbibed and finds themselves hugging a toilet. The body needs to rid itself of the poison in order to be healthy again.

Maybe there's something to this Christianity after all. But it's nothing less than tragic when those who claim to believe in it, twist it and distort it for their own self aggrandizing purposes.


Anonymous said...

is PM a hypocrite? nahhhhh. Just because he puts anonmous comments on his own blog to make it look like people really agree with him? nahhhhhh

Anonymous said...

"Manichean paranoia" -- we have a president who suffers from and justifies it, and he's not alone. Many of the rest of us can deal with the grays of reality, but folks like posmo are not at that place in their lives. They are validated by the externals of rigid religion and adherence to the dogma thereof, and anything that challenges either the specifics or the penumbrals is way more than they can emotionally deal with. IOW, they don't approve of themselves without the camoflage of religion, and they are driven berserk by anyone who does approve of him or herself without the camo.

Anonymous said...

The sentiment from Posmo's deleted blog sound a lot like the false blogger's from the herald. Could it be???

Anonymous said...

I didn't copy any of the dialog on PM, and my memory isn't what it used to be, but I don't remember PM actually attacking XO directly in the article space of the blog, just the commentors were doing the flaming. So be fair, can we directly attribute the XO attack on PM, or was it carried forward via the comments section by those other than PM?

Granted, PM could have added the anti-XO comments anonymously later, but I can't prove that, and the attacks seemed to be written in a different writing style. The reason that I'm mentioning it is the pattern I noticed over there is: post an article, then a few on-topic comments, then the non-sequitur attacks would start.

So, am I out of my mind, or have I remembered the pattern correctly?

Rich Harrison

Hypocritical Morris said...

I received four different messages stating and describing PM's original post by four different posters. As it states, "XO and other satan disciples attack me, Pos.Mo."
As I had originally posited, it was an item of interest to me insofar as the sociological and psychological implications and I simply stated my opinion. I'm not looking to do an inquiry here, but thanks for your comment.

Anonymous said...

You raised some good points.The thing of it is PM is anonymous - acting all high and mighty while downing aldermen, XO and cops who are not anonymous. I mean the other blogs down people too but they don't go blabbing on and on about their 'christianity' and pretending to be all "positive until the going gets tough and then their true colors come out. People like him are why I dont go to church anymore. churches are full of types like him.

Anonymous said...

That first comment was right. Posmo's post that was deleted says, "X it out of town" and in the comments of his current post, the exact same comment is there under anonymous. This guy's got some scary issues. You got to wonder how many other comments he posted on his own blog and why?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the gentle acknowledgement that I was off course with my previous post. I appreciate it. I promise to pay closer attention in the future.


Rich Harrison

Anonymous said...

posmo wants to xit certain people out of town, at least one who says their a christian. The pharisees wanted to xit Jesus out of town and accused him of being from satan too. I think what we have here is modern day phariseeism.

Anonymous said...

I am a member of a local church and it abhors me to see a Christian acting in this manner. The bible deals with this kind of thing in 1 corinthians 8 and romans 14 and talks about the freedom we have in Christ. To those seeing this, please know that not all Christians are like this and see a devil behind everything they don't like. Like St. Augustine once said, "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity". Even though all of us act hypocritically at times, the thing to do is to examine ourselves and confess it Christian or not. Positive would do well to examine his or her motives and heart and confess this to the Lord. A hardened heart is what brings sin.

Silence said...

He reported a breaking story about a tragedy that is in the paper, and said we should pray for the family in the comments. Something that strikes me as a statement that suggest he wants the community to get around the family in its time of crisis rather then anything negative. And if his point at was attention, he already has it from the previous flamewars that have been occurring.

So I am failing to see how that is hurting the family, its not like he has revealed some deep dark secret.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe it was the cold way they did it - copying it from an article. It's a very very sad thing and needs to be handled with sensitivity. I'm definitely going to pray for them.

Hypocritical Morris said...

Normally I would never consider censoring any person's comment, but I thought it necessary in this instance due to the sensitivity of the issue at hand and for the consideration of those involved. Thank you for your comments.

Anonymous said...

you all need a good 6th grade school science class.

Anonymous said...

Thought you might enjoy the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, written in 1779
by Thomas Jefferson, which proclaimed:

"[N]o man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious
worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced,
restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall
otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but
that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain,
their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no
wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."

Anonymous said...

my ass is getting sore sitting here reading all these blogs

Anonymous said...

Who declared pos is a man? I'm sensing freaky female nosey-nelly vibe (and I am female so don't wrench).

Anonymous said...

Where'd you go? Come on back!

Hypocritical Morris said...

I'm HERE!!!

Anonymous said...

if pos mo is a man, he is a sissy.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you post something new? Let's get the ball rolling here! :-)

Anonymous said...

Get this puppy up and running again, please. Have you seen the latest at PosMo? Accusations of rape, with finger pointing to whom? Sheriff Marketti? Slander? Truth? PosMo talks about watching a video of something (?) at LaMex (?). Check it out.

Hypocritical Morris said...

I haven't read those blogs lately. I have a life.

Anonymous said...

If you have tried to read the Morris blogs lately, have you noticed PosMo is NoMO?

Hypocritical Morris said...

Yea I noticed. But then I don't think the latest posmo was the same individual who initiated the blog originally. The tone seemed to have changed.